Monday 21 April 2014

Anyone for Tea?

Good afternoon lovely readers, 

To celebrate Easter Saturday this year, a few of us got ourselves dolled up and headed out to the beautiful Willington Hall Hotel for a spot of afternoon tea.

Willington Hall, Katanya Simm 2014 ©

Willington is a small village in the heart of Cheshire and the hotel is a very popular venue for weddings and wedding receptions (my own wedding reception was held here back in 2008)! Needless to say, there was a wedding yesterday as well and I wish I had managed to snap some of the outfits worn by the guests as they were simply stunning. 

Here's a shot from my wedding day, with my younger brother, my hubby and my niece & nephew!
My wedding, June 21 2008, G E Dyson 2008 ©

Willington Hall was built in 1829 by a Nantwich-based architect, George Latham. The Hall was built in what Latham referred to as "Queen Elizabethan" style. Needless to say, this is one classy place, set back in the Cheshire countryside. You can read more about Willington Hall's history on their website

A few friends and I wanted to go for tea, so I suggested Willington Hall, knowing that this would be a lovely (and local) venue for our inaugural afternoon tea trip. 
We were not disappointed! 
The tea itself was superb. I, ironically, chose to drink coffee, along with the gorgeous Ruth (I'm absolutely gutted that I didn't get a proper shot of her superb outfit!), Caroline and Tanya partook of the tea. I was a little surprised that there was not a selection of teas to choose from, but the girls didn't seem to be bothered about that!

Food glorious food! C L Peartree 2014 ©
Then the pièce de resistance arrived... a glorious collection of finger sandwiches, scones, clotted cream, jam, walnut & coffee cake, miniature crème brulées, chantilly cream-filled choux buns and chocolate pots filled with crème patissière and topped with berries. Deeeeeeee-licious! 

Here are some shots of the yumminess! As I said, I hardly took any photos - I was too excited about sandwiches and cake, so I've had to pinch a couple from Tanya, who had the foresight to actually take some photos!

Afternooon Tea, Katanya Simm 2014 ©

We did get rather giddy consuming all that sugary goodness and our decorum may well have suffered slightly:

Tanya was excited that there was just SO MUCH cake! C L Peartree ©

It all  became a bit too much at one point and there was a mini cake-tastrophe!!!

Cake-Tastrophe! C L Peartree 2014 ©

Much fun was had all round and I'm sure that there will be many more tea weekends to come!

Ladies that lunch! C L Peartree 2014 ©

The beautiful Ruth and Caroline! C L Peartree 2014 ©

Hope you enjoyed seeing how we spent Easter Saturday. If you are ever in the area, do pop along to Willington Hall and sample some of their lovely fayre - they have a wide (and delicious) range of food on offer and the prices are very reasonable.  

The girls and I had so much fun! We will definitely be making afternoon teas a more frequent weekend activity, so if anyone has any recommendations for places to visit around the North West, shout up!

Thanks for reading! Toodle pip!

Clare x

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